HubBucket Scientific Research Center Blog

What is the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope?

What is the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope? MSN Article: What exactly is the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope | Understanding the Basics The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope is a low-frequency radio telescope that aids in investigating multiple radio astrophysical issues. These issues range from the solar systems nearby to the edge of the observational universe. The telescope is located at...

A New Map of the Universe suggests Dark Matter shaped the entire Universe

A New Map of the Universe suggests Dark Matter shaped the entire Universe Nature Article: The eROSITA telescope’s detailed pictures are among the most precise cosmological measurements ever made. In this map of a celestial hemisphere — compiled from data from the eROSITA Telescope — the colours reflect the wavelengths of X-rays. Hot gas haloes surrounding Galaxy Clusters have...

Dark Energy Research at NASA in the 21st Century

Dark Energy Research at NASA in the 21st Century Roman will help illuminate the Dark Energy puzzle by using multiple methods to explore how the Universe has evolved throughout Cosmic History NASA Article: Scientists have discovered that a mysterious pressure dubbed “Dark Energy” makes up about 68% of the total energy content of the cosmos, but so far we...

The Cospar Planetary Protection Policy for Missions to Icy Worlds

THE COSPAR PLANETARY PROTECTION POLICY FOR MISSIONS TO ICY WORLDS Elib Publications of the DLR: Abstract [Full text not available from this repository.] Recent discoveries related to the habitability and astrobiological relevance of the outer Solar System have expanded our understanding of where and how life may have originated. As a result, the Icy Worlds of the outer Solar...

Astronomers Find Unusual Lithium-Rich Star

Astronomers Find Unusual Lithium-Rich Star (August 2024) COSMOS Article: A Star has been spotted which suggests a stage of Star growth exists which Astronomers weren’t aware of. Stars’ fuel is the elements in their cores. Lighter elements – like Hydrogen, Helium and Lithium – undergo Nuclear Fusion to create heavier elements like Carbon and Oxygen. This process releases huge...

The MAGPI Survey: Evidence Against the Bulge-Halo Conspiracy

The MAGPI Survey: Evidence Against the Bulge-Halo Conspiracy (August 2024) OXFORD ACADEMIC Article: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Abstract Studies of the internal mass structure of galaxies have observed a ‘conspiracy’ between the dark matter and stellar components, with total (stars + dark) density profiles showing remarkable regularity and low intrinsic scatter across various samples of galaxies...

The Study of Stable Dark Energy Stars in Hořava-Lifshitz Gravity

The Study of Stable Dark Energy Stars in Hořava-Lifshitz Gravity arXiv | Research Paper [PDF]: We study the structure and basic physical properties of non-rotating dark energy stars in Ho$\Check{\text{r}}$ava-Lifshitz (HL) gravity. The interior of propsed stellar structure is made of isotropic matter obeys extended Chaplygin gas EoS. The structure equations representing the state of hydrostatic equilibrium i.e., generalize...