A New Map of the Universe suggests Dark Matter shaped the entire Universe

A New Map of the Universe suggests Dark Matter shaped the entire Universe

Nature Article: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00489-8

The eROSITA telescope’s detailed pictures are among the most precise cosmological measurements ever made.

In this map of a celestial hemisphere — compiled from data from the eROSITA Telescope — the colours reflect the wavelengths of X-rays. Hot gas haloes surrounding Galaxy Clusters have broad-band emissions (white), as do Black Holes (white dots); diffuse emissions have long wavelengths (red); and in the central regions of the Milky Way, dust blocks longer-wavelength emissions, so that only short-wavelength X-rays are visible (blue or black). Multicoloured clouds are supernova remnants. Credit: MPE, J. Sanders for the eROSITA consortium


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